With the project management feature on .STUDIO, you can create project management plans, assign tasks to your team, track task progress, and check your team's workload.
Here's a video followed by a detailed document to guide you through this:
1. Create a project management plan:
Before you start creating a plan, add the users to the project. To do so, click on the projects tab > Click on the project you need to plan > Click on the team icon > Click on the "Add User" Button and add all the users who would work on this project.
You can then proceed to click on the "project management" tab and click on the "create project plan" button.
You have two options for creating your plan. One method is to import an existing plan. If you've previously created a plan in another project and your project plans tend to follow a similar structure, this option is convenient.
To import a plan, click the "Import Plan" button. Then, choose the project from which you want to import it, select the project's start date, and decide whether to import it with the same resources working on this project. If not, you can uncheck this option and proceed to import the plan.
The second method would be to create a plan from scratch. Assuming this is your first project, let's start by adding the tasks.
Click on "Add Task," and you'll see the "Task Name" field. You can create some tasks along with the time it would take to complete it in your default settings under "planning tasks List"
If you select a name from the dropdown, you’ll notice that the system automatically provides the estimated duration in hours or days for the task based on what is set in my default settings. If you need to make changes to it, please feel free to do so.
On the right-hand side, you'll find a billable toggle. If the task should be billed, slide the switch to the right. If it's an internal task that doesn't require billing, leave it to the left.
The system defaults to today's date as the start date, but you have the flexibility to adjust it according to your plan.
Your task will be linked to the specific stage of your project.
If you have any notes related to this task please feel free to add it.
You can choose if this is a parent or a child task
You can then move to the next tab where we can add resources and assign hours per day.
Now, all the users you added in the project will show up as a drop down here. You can select the resources that will work on this task and assign the hours to each of them.
You will notice the assigned and unassigned hours at the bottom for your reference. l
If I need to a create task dependent on another, Click on dependency, select the dependency task, add the offset. This is the buffer you’d want to keep after the first task and then click on save.
You can view the progress of your plan once the team starts logging their time by clicking on the actuals tab.
The bottom bar is the planned task and the top bar is for you to view the progress of that. This will also show you if there are any delays in your planned task.
2. Log your time/Fill your timesheets:
Now that your plan is created, your resources can go ahead and log their time.
To log your time, click on Activities and then My Tasks. You'll be able to see all the tasks assigned to you, you can view the ones that are due, your upcoming tasks and the completed ones.
Click on all due, Click on the plus icon against the task you want to log time to. Fill in the details required.
If you’ve completed 50% of the task, mention 50 under progress. If the task is completely done, mention 100. Once you mention 100, your task will move to completed tasks.
Once you've added the details, click on save
3. Resource Utilization:
If you’d like to view the workload of your resources, click on resources then click on utilization.
You’ll notice various coloured boxes. The colors denote the percentage of planned hours and actual hours.
When you click on the box you’ll be able to see the planned hours for a resource for that day.
4. Gantt of Gantt Chart:
To view a gantt chart of all your planned projects, click on planning (Under resources), click on the detailed view to see stage wise details. You can also drag the left bar to view more details.
5. Report Library:
You can also view the report library for more reports on your planned and actual projects.