January (Part-1) - Features & Updates

Release Version: 2024.01

User Experience:
1. You now have distinct URLs for each tab, simplifying the process for users to share these links with other team members for collaboration.


2. When deleting a line item, the prompt will display the precise Item Code & Item Name being removed, providing an additional security check before proceeding with the deletion.

Section: Project List View
1. New columns titled "Last Invoice Stage" and "Next Invoice Stage" have been added to the project list view.

: Finance Tab - Projects
1. Initially, the Invoice Total and Outstanding Amounts included tax. We have now addressed this by recalculating them separately, excluding the tax.

2. You can now add tax separately in your external Invoices.

Section: Invoice List - Resources 
1. Filters now include Amounts with and without Tax details 

2. The Invoice Total is now showcased without Tax.